
Ex-combatant & Veteran Policies and Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Perspective

University of St Andrews, Scotland

25-27 April 2018


 Funded by a Russell Trust Development Award

Thursday 26 April

Lalli Metsola (Helsinki), ‘Ex-combatants or veterans? Unpacking approaches to African conflict participants’

Zoe Marks (Edinburgh), ‘Wars Without Veterans’

Nikkie Wiegink (Utrecht), ‘The good, the bad and the awkward: the making of war veterans in post-independence Mozambique’ 

Lennart Bolliger (Oxford), ‘Apartheid “Loyalist” Veterans in Namibia and South Africa’

John Spall (East Anglia), ‘Politics Avoidance and MPLA Government Veterans in Angola’

Roundtable Discussion: Reintegration Program Components and International, National, and Local Practices {open session} Facilitated by Jaremey McMullin


Friday 27 April

Jaremey McMullin (St Andrews), ‘Why Compare Veterans? Theorizing Across Spatial and Temporal Boundaries’

Nina Wilén (Université Libre de Bruxelles), ‘The socio-political challenges facing South African veterans’ reintegration efforts’ [co-written with Prof Lindy Heinecken]

Kim Wale (Stellenbosch), ‘“Veteran” as a haunted category in memories of violence in South Africa’

Johanna Söderström (Bergen/Uppsala), ‘Being a veteran, being a citizen: identity construction after three wars’ [Colombia, Vietnam, Namibia]

Roundtable Discussion: Policy Implications and Future Research Directions {closed session} Facilitated by Lalli Metsola