Jordan News 

October 2021: Jordan News featured Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s chapter on oral history:

The National News: Palestinians transform Bethlehem rooftop with innovative hydroponic farming

October 2021: Supported by the CPCS’s Refugee Entrepreneurial Fund, the Lajee Centre’s hydroponic roof garden in Bethlehem is featured in this article in The National News. Read more about how the project has developed and how the Refugee Entrepreneurial Fund has been involved here

Nation to Nation: Scotland’s Place in the World

Stephen Gethins, Professor of Practice in International Relations

University of St Andrews Press Release – Scotland’s Place in the World | University of St Andrews news (


The Scotsman – Book review: Nation to Nation: Scotland’s Place in the World, by Stephen Gethins | The Scotsman

BrusselsMorning – Nation to Nation — Can Scotland carve out its own foreign policy? (

Blogs & Commentary:

The Times – Scotland can find its place in the world again | Scotland | The Times 

Centre for Constitutional Change – A Debate on Scotland’s Place in the World is Long Overdue | Centre on Constitutional Change

The Courier – Former SNP MP Stephen Gethins: Why Global Scotland must develop its ‘soft power’ and decide on its place in the world (


Iain Dale’s book club – ‎Iain Dale’s Book Club: Chapter 122 : Stephen Gethins on Apple Podcasts

RSS Podcast – Scottish Centre for Global History – “Nation to Nation” and Scotland’s International Relations with Stephen Gethins | RSS Podcasting

Media for Liberia: Legacies of Peace documentary short film series

Dr Jaremey McMullin, CPCS Director and Senior Lecturer in International Relations

Best Man Corner

Diamond Boys


July 2021: Dr Roxani Krystalli wrote an op-ed for Kathimerini (a major Greek newspaper) on the importance of naming patriarchy and the relevance of the term femicide for understanding gendered patterns of violence in Greece and beyond.

The op-ed can be read here

Jadaliyya & Humans of Human Rights

June 30th 2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s work was highlighted in Jadaliyya: ‘Salt and Water: An Ode to Ghadanfar Abu Atwan and Bassel Al-Araj” by: Ayah Abo-Basha. The English article is available here and the Arabic translation here

June 7th 2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s work was noted in ‘Are There No Male Civilians in Palestine?’ in the Humans of Human Rights by Anchal Agarwal and Teresa Döring: 

‘These Little Green Shorts,’ International Feminist Journal of Politics, IFJP Blog, 22 Mar 2021.

Dr Jaremey McMullin, CPCS Director and Senior Lecturer in International Relations

Media for Silkies, a documentary short film by Dr Jaremey McMullin about an unorthodox way to bring military veterans together to prevent suicide in the US

San Francisco Examiner

  • Official Selection, 14th annual Red Rock Film Festival

Cedar City News

 St George News

Southern Utah Independent 

Greater Zion

E-International Relations, Vårt Land, Independent & SWAMP

March 8th 2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s work on hunger strikes and women prisoners’ dual resistance to both the patriarchal norms and colonial prisons in Palestine was highlighted in an interview with Professor Caron Gentry in E-International Relations:

February 24th 2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh was quoted in a Norwegian newspaper Vårt Land in an article on women’s roles in media and its relations to peacebuilding in the global south: En annerledes koronavirkelighet når kvinner formidler by Av Lea Heljesdatter Kvadsheim, available at:

2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s chapter “Translation in the War-Zone”(2020) was quoted in the Independent in an article by Tala Shurrab on how through the Palestinian anti-colonial struggle, we seek “to exercise the fundamental right to represent ourselves with our own voices, language, and words: 

2021: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s work on hunger strikes is highlighted by Rebecca Ruth Gould in her piece “Palestine is a Litmus Test of Our Capacity to Change the World” in the SWAMP (2021): 

Al Jazeera 

January 2021:  Dr Roxani Krystalli was quoted in an Al Jazeera news article on refugee women’s entrepreneurship in Greece. Dr Krystalli said:

“Many stories about women asylum-seekers frame them either as abject victims or as subjects in need of empowerment, both narratives can fail to capture the full texture of these women’s experiences.”

“Empowerment can often be patronising and limited in its understanding of how women already experience and exercise power: women are not summed up in their victimisation, nor is the status of being a victim or survivor of war entirely void of agency and power.”

Read the article here

IPI Global Observatory & al-Jazeera

October 22nd 2020: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s work on resilience is highlighted by Roxani Krystalli in her piece “Women, Peace, and Victimhood” in the IPI Global Observatory: 

2020: Dr Malaka Shwaikh’s chapter “Translation in the War Zone” (2020), is quoted in an article in al-Jazeera on education as a means of resistance:

Press for ‘Motorcycling as Peacebuilding’

Multi-year SFC ODA GCRF project by Dr Jaremey McMullin

‘Liberian Research Group P4DP Restoring Motorcyclists’ Pride,’ Front Page Africa, 3 Aug 2020.

‘Platform for Dialogue Launches & Distributes Bumper Stickers to Counter Stigma, Fight COVID-19,’ Liberia Broadcasting System, 29 July 2020.

Al Jazeera 

September 2020: Dr Roxani Krystalli was quoted on the importance of refugee-centred storytelling. Dr Krystalli said refugee-owned narratives are important to show the breadth of the experience: 

“A key issue is that much humanitarian, journalistic, and academic interest in the lives of refugees centres on their experiences of violence, loss, and trauma. While those are significant, refugees also have stories of joy and care – and many refugees want to narrate those because they are as true a part of their experience as their losses. Centring refugee voices can allow for a fuller, more textured story of the refugee experience to emerge beyond the single narrative of violation.”

Read the full article here

From ‘In the Loop’, Issue 391

Somalia, Sudan and IR

Yasmin Ahmed, Legal and Sanctions Advisor to the British Embassy in Somalia, took part in an online discussion session on Wednesday (15 April) with students from the School of International Relations.

Yasmin, who works closely with the United Nations (UN) on the arms embargo and partial sanctions on Somalia, was joined by Sara Abbas, a Sudanese decolonial scholar to discuss her PhD research on Sudan and her latest visit to the country, which is not very accessible to scholars and practitioners.

Organised by Dr Malaka Shwaikh, Associate Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies, student questions ranged from the role of Yasmin and Sara as women of ‘diaspora’ in their home country, the dynamics of working with the UN and NGOs within Africa and the significance, if any, of the recent lift of sanctions on Sudan.

This is part of a four-week programme, where Dr Shwaikh has invited external speakers to discuss intersectionality/feminism, decoloniality, critical peace, and the grassroots approach to peacekeeping to link in-class academic discussion with the reality on the ground the way practitioners of peace and conflict studies see it.