
Final Update: July-September 2021

MedX continues to solidify itself as a community leader. The design and editing course which was newly underway during the previous update has now reached the 30-hour landmark – and has been attended by 25 people.  The fruitful collaboration with Tebfact continues, and a new anti-smoking campaign was well received; benefitting from the partnership with the Red Crescent, a society affiliated with the Red Cross. 

Cleary, this vital work was not too much for the team at MedX; and they are currenting running the ninth and tenth (final) sessions of the medical translation training course. The MedX YouTube channel has also been kept well up-do-date, and you can watch their videos here.

More recently, a summer physics forum was held on the 28th and 29th of August, representing a much-welcomed return to in-person teambuilding activities and workshops intended as ‘a return to team spirit and a renewal of enthusiasm for members after a long period of online activities and remote events due to the pandemic’. The REF are proud to be supporting the MedX team.

Update 2: April-June 2021

The special collaboration between MedX and Tebfact has continued to prove valuable for both projects. Through sharing their technical expertise, Tebfact have helped MedX reach approximately 5,822 people via video sessions, lessons and pre-recorded demonstrations.  Over 200 medical students and professionals have attended lessons in person (of which there have been 10 since the last update), and MedX continues to offer events and discussion panels. These have included a talk on common errors within the medical profession surrounding obesity, as well as frequent simulations of clinical stories to improve the students’ patient care skills.

Since the last update, the highly anticipated e-marketing course conducted by Mr. Ahmed Dabour has begun – the delay being caused by members of the team having to wait until their final exams had been sat. What is more, a design and editing course run by Fayex Aburida is now underway. This started with a registration questionnaire being sent to the members of the two projects, followed by the decision to run two lessons a week on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is dedicated to medical theory, and Sundays are for training in practical and technical matters. Three pilot course lessons have been conducted and evaluated, and the team are clearly dedicated to constantly improving their services – supported all the way by the connections they nurtured through the REF.

Update 1: February-March 2021

The team behind MedX have displayed an impressive drive in the first month since being a recipient of tailored mentoring and collaboration through the REF.

One project which is showing particular promise is the technical training courses run in collaboration with Tebfact. Some of the initial themes of the courses include: an introduction to digital marketing, a crash-course in how to create written content which can be understood by patients and doctors, and lessons in how to prepare forms for collect customer data. It is encouraging to see the emphasis on practical skills here.

With help from the Fund, MedX have held 10 meetings, attended by 192 people, as well as 13 different educational group sessions covering teambuilding exercises, psychological support lectures for medical students, and essay writing workshops. 

The team at MedX were excited to write, deliver and promote lessons marking international health days such as ‘World Autism Day’ and ‘World Health Day’, and are now looking forward to marking Global Immunization Week shortly.

Looking forward, MedX are waiting for further assistance from the professional trainer Ahmed Dabour as part of their content creation course to improve their online presence and reach out to more people. With a project such as this, it is unclear at present the number of beneficiaries out with those attending the training courses – but it is certain that these lessons are having, and will continue to have, real implications in the communities which access them.